Uses of equipment

Counter IED.

using advanced underwater equipment to combat UW IED's

Various organizations, including Navy EOD teams, SOF units, MCM units, and underwater robotics companies, use advanced equipment to combat underwater IEDs. Specialized training is required to operate this equipment effectively. As a provider of training in advanced underwater equipment Subsea Fundamental plays an essential role in ensuring those involved in underwater IED detection and neutralization are equipped with the necessary skills to operate their underwater search search equipment.

In some cases, an ROV can be equipped with specialized tools or explosives that can be used to disarm or destroy the IED. This can be done remotely, eliminating the need for divers to approach the device.
ROVs can be an essential tool for EOD teams in the detection and disposal of underwater IEDs. They provide a safe and efficient way to locate and neutralize these dangerous devices, helping to protect ships, structures, and other underwater assets